Personal Information is data, opinions (whether true or false), available in any material format, about a living individual, who is identifiable. Examples include names, addresses, contact numbers and emails.
ZealsTECH is obligated to comply with Information Privacy Law of U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). It regulates the control of personal information throughout the life cycle i.e. disclosure, storage, accessibility and disposal.
You can always opt-out of direct marketing emails by pressing the unsubscribe function, made available to you with each marketing message.
ZealsTECH allows individuals to use pseudonyms when using its services if it is allowed by law. In case you do not provide the information, we will not be able to contact you, or respond to your request.
Retention of information All collected information is only kept for a limited duration. It is removed from the servers as soon as the purpose is served.
A subset of personal information, sensitive information is given a higher level of privacy protection. It includes health, genetic, racial, religious and biometric information.
We use the personal information collected for the purpose disclosed at the time of collection. The information is not stored for any other purpose without user consent, except to fulfill the legal obligations.
The information collected will include your personal identity details including name, address, email and phone number.
Information is collected through these channels:
Please contact ZealsTECH if you have any queries about information that we hold. You can also complain to us through the email address provided on our contact us page.
The main purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information are:
We may share your personal information with the third parties who work with us to provide, promote or improve the products and services. The third parties include consultants, national regulators, and third-party service providers.